Wellsprings Primary Years

Nurturing Reflective, Responsible, Confident, Innovative, and Engaged Learners

Grades 1 to 5 |Age: 6-11 yrs
Making learning an exciting adventure

"Like strong roots for a tree, Primary education is the foundation for a child's growth”

Wellsprings Primary is designed to nurture curiosity, engage young minds and to ensure a well-rounded educational journey.
Inspired by Cambridge Primary and tailored for learners aged 6 to 11 years - Wellsprings Primary curriculum provides a broad and balanced education for learners, helping them adapt to different surroundings and thrive throughout their schooling.
Our curriculum framework has a key focus on Science, Math, English, Art n Design, and Computing, in addition to which students also pursue Second Languages (Hindi /French), Social Sciences (International and National elements), Global Perspectives, Leadership and Life Skills, Performing Arts, Physical Education and basics in the Kannada language.

Wellsprings Primary - Learner Attributes

  • Reflective as learners, develop their ability to learn
  • Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges
  • Responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others
  • Confident in working with information and ideas - their own and those of others
  • Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference
primary year

A Place for a Great Foundation

Wellsprings Primary instills key attributes that go beyond academics, preparing students for a dynamic future - encourages learners to become reflective thinkers.
Reflection is a cornerstone of intellectual growth. Through carefully crafted lessons and activities, students learn to analyze, evaluate, and draw connections between their learning experiences and the world around them.
Project-based learning and creative thinking exercises help learners develop the skills to tackle real-world challenges with ingenuity and resourcefulness. Students engage in projects that instill a sense of duty towards others and the environment.
We believe in nurturing responsible citizens from a young age. Wellsprings Primary emphasizes the importance of social responsibility, ethical decision-making, and a sense of community.
The world is evolving, and so are the challenges it presents. Students are provided with opportunities to express themselves, share their ideas, engage in effective communication and solve problems. Whether it's through presentations, debates, or collaborative projects, we aim to build confident communicators ready to articulate their thoughts with poise.
Where attributes become attitudes, and learning becomes a lifelong adventure - Wellsprings Primary nurtures Reflective, Responsible, Confident, Innovative, and Engaged Learners, poised for success in the ever-evolving global landscape. Make learning an exciting adventure for your child.