‘Aspire Today, Inspire Tomorrow ’

The holistic curricula at Wellsprings offer an expansive range of subject choices that facilitate the conversion of learners’ aspirations into concrete goals - forming a foundation for inspiration throughout their lives.

Innovative teaching and learning methods - from active learning to technology integration, Wellsprings Learning and Development Model (WDM) engages students with academic determination and a lifelong learning regime. Our commitment goes beyond textbooks; we believe in creating an environment where learning is an immersive and transformative experience. Our classrooms are vibrant spaces of hands-on exploration.

Experiential learning at Wellsprings employs a deep-rooted approach to ignite intellectual curiosity through multisensory, inquiry-based, and language-rich methods and as a result, we craft engaged learners. Our curriculum is aligned with NEP 2020, fosters curiosity, academic excellence, and leadership potential - and cultivates future leaders for the 2040-2050 world.

Our commitment to child-centered education is rooted in theories that prioritize the individual needs, interests, and capabilities of each student.


We embrace a collaborative instruction model and the principles of constructivism, allowing students to construct their understanding through active participation in various activities. Our educators facilitate this process by guiding students to build knowledge through exploration and reflection.

Nature becomes an extension of our classrooms. Through outdoor education, students not only learn about the world but from the world, fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and an appreciation for experiential discovery.

WDM’s innovative methodology, active learning, flipped classrooms, and technology integration - Our commitment to differentiated instruction, continuous assessment, and visual aids ensures every student learns.
